Falkland Islands (.fk) Domains

Did you know that you can now register a .fk domain today?

So can anyone else, protecting your Trademark is cheaper than you may think.

Businesses, organisations or individuals present within the Falkland Islands, an archipelago on the Patagonian shelf, should register a .fk domain name. The following Falkland Islands domains can also be registered
fk  say.it/BBfk
ac.fk  say.it/BBac.fk
co.fk  say.it/BBco.fk
gov.fk  say.it/BBgov.fk
net.fk  say.it/BBnet.fk
nom.fk  say.it/BBnom.fk
org.fk  say.it/BBorg.fk
say.it/BBfk for more details,